What Is The Gospel Of Jesus Christ?

The answer to that is that the gospel is best put in biblical terms. What the Bible says it is, the word itself is simply good news. God’s good news for man.

The Bible gives you various ways of describing or defining that good news in the simplest terms, in Paul’s language, it is the good news of God reconciling the world to himself and in through the person and the work of Jesus Christ, the son of God.

Paul also said, and I suppose this is the nearest thing you have in the New Testament to an actual definition of the gospel, that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that he was buried, that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.

Now, that’s the core of the good news. Data’s first of all, with a person, Jesus Christ. Who is he? That’s a question that comes up quite often in the gospel story of his life.

People ask everywhere he went, who is this? Who is this? And the Bible gives us the answer. This is in Peter’s words, the Christ, the son of the living God.

This is God’s son. Come into the world on a particular mission sent by his father to do something and that brings us to his work. His work was coming into the world to live and to die and to rise again from the dead.

Now, those are three important parts of the work of Christ. He came into the world with sin. He lived without sin and obedience to the law of God. He died for sin, a sacrifice to put away the wrath of God that was against our sin.

How do we know he actually succeeded in doing this? Well, he said he would give one indication, one sign, and that would be, he would rise the third day from the dad.

So that’s why Paul emphasized the person, Jesus Christ dying for our sins as the scriptures had said, and then rising again the third day as the scriptures had prophesied.

This is the heart of the gospel.

Now, why is this such good news and why is it so important? Well, it’s good news because according to God’s word, every one of us is born a sinner. We don’t need to be taught to sin. We send us naturally as breathing. It’s in our nature.

Every one of us knows from his own conscience. He’s a sinner, not just against all their man and women, but against God. Sin is the transgression or the breaking of the law of God and that brings the wrath of God.

The Bible tells us that God is angry with the wicked every day that the wages of sin is death. It also tells us that we can not do anything to save our ourselves or to change ourselves.

We may change our behavior, but we do not change our sales or our status in the sight of God. It takes divine intervention and that’s the importance of the gospel.

That’s the necessity of God sending his own son into the world and yet sending him as a man. He was born of a virgin without sin, but he was born. He was a real man.

Now here we have the glory of the person of Christ.

God and man two distinct natures, divine and human, not a mixture, God and man and yet one indivisible person. This is the savior, the importance, the necessity.

How do we know he succeeded? Did he actually put away sin? Is he able to save sinners? Is he able by his life and death to reconcile us to God?

Well, he said, I’ll prove it. I’11 rise from the dead, and that’s exactly what he did.

So what’s the significance of that? For us, Paul puts it like this. God made him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that is he bore our sin in his own body on the tree, having lived a perfect life and met our obligation to the precept of God’s law, he died an atoning death and paid the penalty for our breach of God’s law.

Now the other side is God makes us to be the righteousness of God in him as he imputed. That’s the biblical word, laid to the charge of Christ our sin. So he lays to our kind, his righteousness, all the merit of his life, all the merit of his death.

How do we obtain this? The Bible says we are justified by faith, by faith in Christ. Jesus said, come onto me. He said that whosoever believeth in him, not just about him, but in him hath everlasting life. That in a nutshell is the gospel.

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