Is Christ The Center of Your Home, or Just an Accessory?

Joelle just came in to my office to share her great discovery. Apparently she was reading her KJV Bible and in Matthew 10:2-4 the names of the disciples are listed. She wanted a piece of paper so she can write those verses down.
Seven years old, and she loves to read her Bible, (as does her sister).
Because Christ is the center of our home, not a Sunday only add-on, Christ is also the center of our girls’ lives.
Churches are losing their young people to the world. I believe that is because most “Christian” homes are world-centered, not Christ centered. They are more concerned with worldly entertainment, concerned with getting their kids involved in activities with worldly children (sports, dance classes, etc.) and send their children to worldly indoctrination centers aka public schools.
The greatest responsibility of any parent is to teach their children to love the word of God, to view the world through a Biblical perspective and plant the seeds of faith that can grow into a saving faith.
May God continue to give us the wisdom and will to do that in our home.

Dennis Regling and his family are available to minister at your church.

Dennis Regling

Dennis Regling is an author and educator and an evangelist.

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